Our Team
Under the pioneering leadership of Karen Wolk Feinstein and an engaged Board, HCF continues to chart a path of impact.

Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Karen Wolk Feinstein is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation and its three operating arms. Widely regarded as a thought leader on patient safety, healthcare quality improvement, the healthcare workforce, and healthcare innovation, Dr. Feinstein has guided the instrumental work of the Foundation for over three decades.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors guides Health Careers Futures' (HCF) strategic direction and advances its mission of aligning the supply and demand of regional healthcare workers. Board members are drawn from the healthcare workforce and industry sectors, as well as from regional non-profit organizations and training providers.
Meet our BoardStaff
Our team is composed of multidisciplinary professionals, including those with frontline clinical experience and expertise in a variety of focus areas. Please reach out to one of our project leads below.